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Ballet Kelowna: The Cowboy Act Suite & Other Works

Key City Theatre presents:
Ballet Kelowna: The Cowboy Act Suite & Other Works
September 24th at 7:30 pm
Regular $40 | Big Ticket Member $34 | Big Ticket Plus Member $30 | Dance Students $15

About the Show

The Cowboy Act Suite and Other Works program features a stunning lineup of signature works from Ballet Kelowna’s contemporary ballet repertoire. With Simone Orlando’s thoughtful Delicate Fire, Seiji Suzuki’s poignant Stolen Tide, and Cameron Fraser-Monroe’s satirical The Cowboy Act Suite, this high-energy program promises to please a wide range of spectators.


A contemporary reimagining of mythology, Simone Orlando’s Delicate Fire explores the emotional legend of Aphrodite and Adonis. Initially developed through a fellowship from the New York Choreographic Institute, this dynamic work moves from fast and rhythmic to slow and ethereal. This work is dedicated to Canadian composer Jocelyn Morlock and is set to two of her compositions.


Seiji Suzuki’s Stolen Tide is an entreaty to cherish every moment spent with family, friends, and partners. Highlighting the importance of social connection, the fast-paced opening movement is a live study of the impact of a traumatic event, while conflict and discord give way to compassion and empathy in the touching and eloquent second movement.


Rounding out the program, Cameron Fraser-Monroe's The Cowboy Act Suite is a work that explores the dichotomy between "Cowboys and Indians." While these caricatures have been portrayed on pages, stages, and in films, they are often penned from a colonial perspective. Fraser-Monroe's intuitive take on the swashbuckling strut of the Cowboy informs this intellectual unpacking of a one-sided lens and flips the script to ask, what happens when an Indian directs the Cowboys through their history?

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