Ancestral Land Honouring
Welcome to Key City Theatre, a beacon of artistic expression homed in ʔA·KISK̓AQǂIʔIT , nestled within the majestic mountains and waters of Ktunaxa ?Amak?is.
We stand, gather, and celebrate on the ancestral lands of the Ktunaxa, a place that has echoed with stories and songs for countless generations.
It is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge the enduring relationship of the Ktunaxa Peoples with this land. Their stewardship, wisdom, and traditions have shaped these territories from time immemorial and we are privileged to be guests upon it. Every event, performance, and gathering here is a tribute to the continuing legacy and vibrancy of the Ktunaxa communities.
As we immerse ourselves in the world of arts and culture, let us also immerse ourselves in respect, understanding, and appreciation for the Ktunaxa Nation and their homeland. We are profoundly grateful and honoured to call this sacred space our artistic home.
Photo from Purcell International Education: https://piecanada.ca/indigenous/
A short video where Language Teacher, Ms. Juanita, tells the legend of kupi and q̓u¢a¢. Illustrations by Mr. Quick.
Video Credit: Tod Lunan, Juanita Eugene and Matthew Quick