Meet Taryn

Did you know that as part of their outreach education program, Ballet Jorgen offers classes to local dancers. And several of the local dancers have been selected to perform on the stage with this world class professional ballet company, this Friday, February 22 at the Key City Theatre. Here is one of those talented dancers. Meet Taryn:

13 year old Taryn has been dancing with Aspire Dance since she was 5 years old. She is currently in Laurie Middle School and when she is not spending time hanging with her friends she can be found at the dance studio where she loves all of the different genres of dance. But ballet is her favourite.

Taryn’s hero is Miss Michelle Navratil, her dance teacher, who has been her inspiration since she tied on her first pair of ballet slippers.

Be sure to get your tickets to see Coppelia, performed by Taryn, and the company of Ballet Jorgen. Click here to select your seats now.


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